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Three levels of settings for EasyClangComplete

  1. Project settings (defined in a .sublime-project file for a specific project)
  2. Global user settings (defined globally for the whole plugin)
  3. Default settings (shipped with the plugin)


Project-related settings will only work when your code has a .sublime-project file related to it. For documentation on using the Sublime Text projects please refer here.

Settings hierarchy

  1. If no settings are defined the Default ones are used
  2. User settings have precedence over the Default ones
  3. Project settings have precedence over the User and Default ones

Common path wildcards

Every path variable in settings can contain wildcards:

  • Any of Sublime Text variables. Most common ones:
    • $project_base_path is replaced by the full path to the root folder of the project to which the currently opened view belongs. This path is stored as "folder" variable within the .sublime-project file.
    • $project_name is replaced by the name of the current project.
  • $clang_version is replaced by the numeric version of used clang.
  • ~ is replaced by the path to user home directory.
  • * and other glob wildcards can be used everywhere.

Using environmental variables

In addition to the variables described above, you can use your environment variables:

  • OSX and Linux: $variable_name or ${variable_name}
  • Windows: $variable_name, ${variable_name} or %variable_name%

How to define project settings

The project-specific settings are only available when the code is within a Sublime Text project defined by a *.sublime-project file. They must be stored under the "settings" tab in the project file with either of the two prefixes: ecc_ or easy_clang_complete_. See example below for more clarifications.

Example of setting verbose and use_libclang project-specific settings

json tab="my_project.sublime-project" { "settings": { "easy_clang_complete_verbose": true, "ecc_use_libclang": true, } }

Note that for verbose setting a prefix easy_clang_complete_ is used, while for use_libclang we use ecc_ prefix.

Project settings override User and Default settings

The settings defined in the *.sublime-project file override User and Default settings. Keep that in mind when specifying them! They are not appended, they override these settings.

Complete settings list

This is a complete guide over all settings. Here we look at every setting in detail, explain where they are used and what are their default values.


Specify common flags that are passed to clang for every compilation. These usually include common include paths that are needed for finding STL etc. Below are typical defaults for Linux.

Good defaults for Linux (click to expand)
"common_flags" : [
    // this is needed to include the correct headers for clang
Good defaults MacOS (click to expand)
"common_flags" : [
    // some example includes
Good defaults for Windows with MinGW (click to expand)
"common_flags" : [

Here I have installed MinGW from MinGW downloads page. Everything seems to work including the STL support.


These flags are language-specific. They prepend common_flags when compiling files of a particular language. This is a good place to define flags for a standard library etc.

Default value

"lang_flags": {
  "C": ["-std=c11"],
  "CPP": ["-std=c++11"],
  "OBJECTIVE_C": ["-std=c11"],
  "OBJECTIVE_CPP": ["-std=c++11"],


When specifying this setting in your user or project settings make sure to keep ALL language keys.


This setting defines external sources for the compilation flags. If you have a build system (e.g. CMake) in place or have an external file that defines all the compilation flags for your project (e.g. a compilation database compile_commands.json), you can load the flags directly from there. For more details on differences between the flag sources refer to this page of the documentation.

common_flags and lang_flags are never overridden by external flag sources

The flags from common_flags and from lang_flags are ALWAYS present in the compilation. The flags loaded from the flag sources are appended to those and DO NOT OVERRIDE them.

Possible options

  • "file" MANDATORY - defines the name of the flags source. Can be one of:
    • "CMakeLists.txt" looks for a CMakeLists.txt file that contains a line that starts with "project" in it
    • "compile_commands.json"
    • "CppProperties.json"
    • "c_cpp_properties.json"
    • ".clang_complete"
    • "Makefile"
  • "search_in": <path> OPTIONAL - defines a folder in which the file should be searched. If it is not defined, the search starts from the current file up the directory tree.

CMake-specific options

CMake is handled in a special way and there are additional settings that can be specified for this type of flag source:

  • "flags": [<flags>] OPTIONAL - defines a list of flags that can be passed to the cmake program upon calling it. Note, that you can still use any variables or glob expansion in the flags and it should just work.
Example cmake flags (click to expand)
        "file": "CMakeLists.txt",
            "-D SOME_FLAG=ON"

Search order

The flag sources are searched in a strictly hierarchical order from top to bottom. First the top-most "file" is searched for. If this search fails, the second "file" is searched. This continues until either one of the flag sources is found or the list has finished. See example below for more explanations.

Example flag sources (click to expand)

In this example we define a number of flag sources with some additional options:

"flags_sources": [
    "file": "CMakeLists.txt",
    "file": "Makefile"
    "file": ".clang_complete"
Here, first the plugin tries to find a CMakeLists.txt with project(<smth>) inside of it. If this is successful, then it invokes a command
storing the generated files in a temporary build folder.

If the CMakeLists.txt file cannot be found, the plugin continues to search for a Makefile and if that fails - for a .clang_complete file


When getting flags from a compile_commands.json file defer parsing these flags to the time when they are actually needed. This enables much faster database loading and allows to work with huge compilation database files. The downside is that there is no fallback option, so if your file is not in the compilation database it will have no flags.

If this flag is false, the database will be parsed upon loading and there will be an entry with the key "all", which merges all flags from all other entries upon parsing. This is a costly operation and is clearly a heuristic. But it can work in practice for small to moderately big projects.

Default value

"lazy_flag_parsing": true,


When this option is true the errors will be highlighted upon every file save.

Default value

"show_errors": true,


Defines the style of the gutter icon for errors and warnings shown on the sidebar.

Possible values

  • imageimage: "color" default
  • imageimage: "mono"
  • imageimage: "dot"
  • "none"

Default value

"gutter_style": "color",


Defines the style of error line highlighting.

Possible values

  • "outline" : outline regions default
  • "fill" : fill regions
  • "solid_underline" : draw a solid underline below regions
  • "stippled_underline" : draw a stippled underline below regions
  • "squiggly_underline" : draw a squiggly underline below regions
  • "none" : do not draw anything on error lines

Default value

"linter_mark_style": "outline",

Setting that controls the maximum width of the popups generated by the plugin.

Default value

"popup_maximum_width": 1800,

Setting that controls the maximum height of the popups generated by the plugin.

Default value

"popup_maximum_height": 800,


Defines all characters that trigger auto-completion. The default value is:

Default value

"triggers" : [ ".", "->", "::", " ", "  ", "(", "[" ],


A dictionary that defines a mapping from language to an array of valid syntaxes for it. The values here are good defaults, but feel free to customize the list to your liking. When modifying this setting make sure that all 4 languages have values.

Default value

"valid_lang_syntaxes": {
"C":              ["C", "C Improved", "C99"],
"CPP":            ["C++", "C++11"],
"OBJECTIVE_C":    ["Objective-C"],
"OBJECTIVE_CPP":  ["Objective-C++"]


When specifying this setting in your user or project settings make sure to keep ALL language keys.


Do not run the plugin for any files that match these paths. Use glob/fnmatch shell-style filename expansion. In addition, you can still use '~' to mark the home directory.

Default value

"ignore_list": [


Ignore all flags that match any of the following glob-style patterns. You can use glob/fnmatch shell-style wildcard expansion as well as sublime variables and ~ for home director.

Default value

"ignore_flags": [


If set to true will use libclang through python bindings. This offers much better performance generally, but can be buggy on some systems. When set to false will use clang_binary and parse the output of clang -Xclang -code-complete-at <some_file> instead.

Default value

"use_libclang" : true,


If set to true there will be default includes added to the "common_flags". We generate these includes from running the following command on some empty temp file

<clang_binary> -c -v

See clang_binary setting for more details on what clang binary will be in use.

Default value

"use_default_includes" : true,


If set to true there will be default definitions added to the "common_flags". We generate these includes from running the following command on some empty temp file

<clang_binary> -c -dM -E

See clang_binary setting for more details on what clang binary will be in use.

Default value

"use_default_definitions" : true,


Output lots of additional information in the console. Useful for debugging. Off by default.

Default value

"verbose" : false,


Pick the clang binary used by the plugin. This is used to determine the version of the plugin and pick correct libclang bindings or for code completion when the setting use_libclang is set to false.

Note that this should either be a full (local or global) path to the binary or it should be available in your PATH. You can use all wildcards apart from $clang_version as it would not be available before we point to the correct version of the clang binary.

Default value

"clang_binary" : "clang++",


Pick the binary used for cmake.

Default value

"cmake_binary" : "cmake",


Please make sure the binary you provide is accessible from the command line on your system.


Ignore triggers and try to complete after each character

Default value

"autocomplete_all" : false,


Can be very slow! Enable only if you know what you are doing!


Hide the completions generated by Sublime Text and other plugins.

Default value

"hide_default_completions": false,


Plugin uses smart caching to not load the data for the translation units (TUs) more times than needed. To save space we want to clear the unused data, so we remove cache data older than specified time.


  • Minimum value is 30 seconds.
  • Format: <hours>:<minutes>:<seconds>: "HH:MM:SS".

Default value

"max_cache_age": "00:30:00",


Show additional information on hover over function call/variable etc. This replaces default sublime on hover behavior.

Default value

"show_type_info": true,


Show body of struct/class/typedef declaration in a tooltip invoked by calling info enabled by the setting show_type_info.

Default value

"show_type_body" : true,


We only can get declarations from clang AST. This can show references to the symbol under cursor taking them from Sublime Text index.

Default value

"show_index_references": true,



When an includes trigger is typed (" or <) a quick panel will appear that will guide the user in picking their includes based on the current compilation database' include flags.

Default value

"autocomplete_includes": true,


If the libclang library cannot be found in standard places, the user can provide a path to libclang. This path can either be a full path to the libclang library, e.g. /usr/lib/ or a folder that contains libclang library, e.g. /usr/lib/. This setting generally should not be needed.

Default value

"libclang_path": "<some_path_here>",


Pick the progress style. There are currently these styles available:

  • ColorSublime : ⣾⣽⣻⢿⡿⣟⣯⣷
  • Moon : 🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
  • None

Default value

"progress_style": "Moon",


Controls if libclang caches the results. This works faster, but in rare cases can generate wrong completions. Usually it works just fine, so it is true by default.

Default value

"use_libclang_caching": true,


Templates to find source files for headers in case we use a compilation database: Such a DB does not contain the required compile flags for header files. In order to find a best matching source file instead, you can use templates. Such templates describe how to find (relative to the header file) a source file which we can use to get compile flags for. In the simplest case, one can just use the (relative) path to where the source files are relative to your header file. For example, if your headers are in a subdirectory "inc" and your sources in a subdirectory "src" next to the first one, then you can use "../src/" as lookup. If needed, you can also use finer granular lookup templates by using UNIX style globbing patterns and placeholders. Placeholders are of the form '{placeholdername}'. The following placeholders can be used:

  • basename: The base file name without the directory part.
  • stamp: Like "basename", but with the file name extension removed.
  • ext: The file name extension of the header file.
Default header - source mappings (click to expand)
"header_to_source_mapping": [
    // Look for related files in the header's directory:

    // And in the "src" directory:

    // And in the "source" directory:

    // Example: Use flags but only from the source file
    // belonging to the header in question:
    // "{stamp}.cpp",

    // Example: Use flags from a file with an
    // "exotic" file name suffix:
    // "{stamp}.mycustomext


Controls if we try to retrieve built-in flags from a target compiler. If a compiler is not null, we try to ask it for the defines and include paths it sets implicitly and pass them to the clang compiler which is used to generate the code completion. If your completions require the knowledge about the toolchain, this option should improve the quality of the completions, however, in some corner cases it might cause completions to fail entirely.

Default value

"target_compilers": {
    "C":              null,
    "CPP":            null,
    "OBJECTIVE_C":    null,
    "OBJECTIVE_CPP":  null


When specifying this setting in your user or project settings make sure to keep ALL language keys. Otherwise the plugin will show you an error dialog and ask you to specify all of them. Put null for those you don't want to use.

Example: set only C/C++ compilers
"target_compilers": {
    "C":              "gcc",
    "CPP":            "g++",
    "OBJECTIVE_C":    null,
    "OBJECTIVE_CPP":  null


If the compilers in this setting are not null, this setting overrides the use_default_includes setting. Also the use_default_definitions setting is then used to enable and disable -D flags generated by the compiler.


Controls if the paths that we generate while completing the includes will have a / or a \ in them. If true will force / even on Windows.

Default value

"force_unix_includes": true,